See yourself in the Divine Light and the darkness will never come back to you...
Pathway to Ascension
The Full Story
Ascension is the term used to describe a spiritual journey resulting in the growth of the Soul. It is our journey towards light and ultimately become light. Along the way we learn how to raise our spiritual light by understanding & assimilating new ways of being. Ascension occurs when we raise our awareness to a very high level. This usually takes many lifetimes until we reach a state of knowledge that allows us to move upwards to the next spiritual plane.
Our Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters are waiting to assist us – all we have to do is ask. The Ascended Master Lord Maitreya is currently in charge of the ascension process on planet Earth. We are living on the Earth at a very important time as the planet is also ascending and moving into a higher dimension of being. Our Ascension journey continues throughout all of our lifetimes and in many dimensions of being – even the Ascended Masters continue to grow and develop.
The Pathway to Ascension Workshops will aid your continuing path of ascension and will assist you in integrating and navigating the huge transformational energies which are pervading the planet at this time. They will assist you as you are transitioning, clearing and making way for these new lighter energies.
The Pathway to Ascension Level 1
If you feel calling for this workshop, come and join me to “The Pathway to Ascension”
Course includes:
Introduction to Ascension
Preparation for Ascension LEVEL -1
Introduction to Ascension
Connect with your own higher self and Monad
Understanding and experiencing Dimensions
The Mahatma energy
Building the Rainbow/ Antahkarana Bridge
The Ascended Masters and Chohans of the 7 Rays
Invoking, connecting and channeling with the Ascended Masters
Invocation of Ascension flame
Meditations to connect with Intergalactic Masters
Connecting with the Ascended Masters Level- 2
Connect to the Intergalactic Council
Huna Prayers
Petition the Intergalactic Council to help the World Peace.
Seven Veils of Illusion and Archangel Butyalil
Visiting the school of Seraphina in the Inner Planes
Seven Initiations on path of Ascension
Connect with Unicorns and Elemental Dragons
Deepen your connection with 12 fifth dimensional chakra
Access stellar wisdom and connecting your chakras with stars
​Your workshop Facilitator
Asha A Doshi
​Asha Doshi is certified Diana Cooper School of White Light Ascension teacher.